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This one thing makes all our feelings survivable.

Good morning, Renegade, As my daughter navigates her big emotions lately, I've been dancing with grief as well. In the past I would have buried grief beneath busy-ness or anger, would have run from it and sunk myself into something consuming and therefore distracting, or would've simply denied it. All because of a feeling. A painful feeling, but still, just a feeling. Not a rampaging rhinoceros. Not a rattlesnake poised to spring. Isn't it interesting how emotions can sometimes feel life...

When I was 4, I wanted to be a singer when I grew up. When I was 7, I wanted to be the President of the United States. When I was 12, I wanted to be a movie director. But at every age, for as long as I can remember, I've known I would write books when I grew up. Some dreams take longer than others. This one has taken me 38 years. But I've finally done it! My book, Look Up!, is ready for purchase tomorrow! Every part of this - from writing it to the editing, layout & cover design process to...

Look Up! Launch Hi friends, We're looking for excited individuals who are willing to join the Look Up! Launch Crew. Is that you? The Look Up! Launch Crew will be the FIRST to get to read the book (you get an advanced copy!), will share it with their network, and will review it when it's published. PLUS - Every member of the Launch Crew will receive a gift in the mail AND be eligible for several awesome giveaways over the next 3 weeks! Join the Launch Crew! WHO: You. No requirement other than...

Most of the people on this list have either given birth or been there when someone else has. When I tell you that writing and self-publishing my book has been like giving birth, I'm not exaggerating. (No, this isn't like when people say that having a pet is just like being a parent. 🤨) As someone who has brought a human into the world, I am now in the final stages of birthing this book. Who knew that writing it was actually the easiest part? 😆 Anyway, I've been missing writing to you. If...

This one isn't about parenting. It's about life. But I'm starting to think if we can get really good at living, well, parenting sort of falls in line too. Parenting can become an expression of how we live our lives. Recently, a friend commented something lovely on one of my posts saying she was lucky to know me. This was my response to her. "I'm the lucky one. I dream of writing a book about how the relationships and connections in my life have saved me and made me. But every time I try, I...

Super tips for parents wanting to reduce screen time for their family

TIP: Curate your children's media inputs. Choose media for your kiddos that reflects kids experiencing screen freed childhoods. This includes books, audiobooks, television shows, and family movie night. Here's why it works: All of us are influenced by what we see, hear, and participate in (hello, influencers making bank on social media). Kids especially are prone to this - it's why kid-centric commercials work so well! You certainly can't control all the inputs your kids get from outside...

I just went through a break-up, so my emails might be a little melancholy. I'm not going to apologize though. I think we have to expand our relationship with emotions. This is my way of practicing that expansion. Society heralds happiness and joy as the most worthy feelings. But all feelings are important, because they are messages from deep inside ourselves. Emotions show us what our minds don't see. Emotions show us what we value most, what something or someone is costing us, when a...

Tonight, I sat waffling at my friend's counter at her lovely home in Washington. No, I wasn't eating a delicious Belgian breakfast food. I was waffling, as in the verb "failing to make up one's mind." I had a quote sitting in my inbox for a book designer who would design my book cover, layout all my book chapters and pages, and help me finalize my writing from a (now professionally edited) Google doc to a real life book. That quote's been sitting there for 2 weeks. I want my book so bad. But...

I awoke at 5am to a fevered six-year-old climbing into bed with me. Every place her skin touched mine was burning up. I stumbled out of bed to get the thermometer, my eyes bleary and unfocused. It was day three of LP's fever. The second day she would be home from school. The second morning that would begin with a temperature check, cool washcloth on her red cheeks, and cajoling her to drink water. Unlike yesterday morning, my abs were super sore. Because the previous night I'd been up until...

I've been wanting to do this for months. Swim laps, that is. I've loved the water for as long as I can remember. From swim team to lifeguarding to countless hours floating in the water while the rest of life faded to a muffled background... I love swimming. And I almost never do it. Today, I put on my (newly purchased for this purpose) swimsuit first thing in the morning. I braided my hair. I told myself I was going straight to the pool after dropping LP off at school. But work called to me....